FUB-AEB is not widely banned at the moment, but several close analogues are illegal in both Sweden and the state of Alabama. The import of FUB-AEB may be restricted din those or other jurisdictions as an analogue to an illegal compound.
It is important to point out that that FUB-AEB is a research chemical. It has not been approved as a human or animal treatment of any kind. This chemical should only be purchased or handled by trained professionals, and is suitable for use only in a lab or forensic setting.
We supply adequate, timely supply, but also have rich experience in industry. Our products are high quality, reasonable price, can also be customized according to customer needs. High purity of products, good price, short time of lead, quick response of service. We are the manufacturer, we have better price, we have large stock to delivery in shortest time. 
If you have any questions ,please don’t hesitate to contact us.
WhatsApp: +8615530102104
Lab image:



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