online sale 5F-ADB 5-fluoro ADB 5F-MDMB-PINACA CAS 1715016-75-3


5-fluoro ADB

CAS № 1715016-75-3
Purity ≥98%


  • 5-fluoro MDMB-PINACA

  • ADB-PINACA  is an analog of AKB48 (aka APINACA; , a synthetic cannabinoid recently identified in herbal products.1 Variations of ADB-PINACA have been synthesized including derivatives that include a fluorine atom added to the terminal carbon of the pentyl group. 5-fluoro ADB is an analog of a fluorinated ADB-PINACA derivative in which the terminal amide has been replaced with a methyl ester. The physiological and toxicological properties of this compound have not been determined. This product is intended for forensic and research applications.

    Formal NameN-[[1-(5-fluoropentyl)-1H-indazol-3-yl]carbonyl]-3-methyl-D-valine, methyl ester
    CAS Number1838134-16-9
    • 5-fluoro MDMB-PINACA
    Molecular FormulaC20H28FN3O3
    Formula Weight377.5
    FormulationA solution in acetonitrile

    We supply adequate, timely supply, but also have rich experience in industry. Our products are high quality, reasonable price, can also be customized according to customer needs. High purity of products, good price, short time of lead, quick response of service. We are the manufacturer, we have better price, we have large stock to delivery in shortest time. 
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